Dismantling the Romance Myth with Dean Spade

February 14, 2023 @ 8:00PM — 10:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Add to Calendar

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8 PM EST/ 5 PM PST. Register To Receive The Recording. ASL provided

Dismantling the Romance Myth Session 3: Recovering our Emotional Ranges Presented By Dean Spade

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The systems we live under want us numb, but in search of mythical peak experiences like getting rich and famous, looking perfect, and finding the perfect partner. To get by in our families and school and a punishing society, we close down our full range of feelings. Many of us have a hard time even knowing what we feel, or taking our feelings and other people’s feelings seriously. The third session in Dean Spade's Dismantling the Romance Myth series is about liberating our feelings from the structures that have sought to control them, so that we can feel more of our range of feelings, rather than bouncing between being numb and grasping for “big feelings” through consumer highs, getting attention on social media, or other short-lived and often toxic experiences of escape without a sense of choice. How do we get out of numbing and escapism habits and claim our ability to feel more kinds of feelings, and to have feelings that are responsive to the situations we are in rather than trapped in small boxes or well-worn grooves we are conditioned to by the systems we live under? How do we address our fears and avoidance habits when it comes to difficult or unpleasant feelings, such as fear of conflict, fear of standing out, or fear of anger and rejection? How do we recover from the culturally-derived overblown expectations we might be holding that a romance will deliver a huge thrill, make us happy, or fix our lives forever? What tools and reflective practices can help us tune into what we are experiencing, so we notice where we are chasing imbalanced highs, numbing out difficult feelings, and missing the nuances that can actually guide a purposeful approach to our lives and meaningful connections to other people?


Dean Spade is a trans activist, writer, and teacher. Dean has been working to build queer and trans liberation based in racial and economic justice for the past two decades. He works as an Associate Professor at Seattle University School of Law.

Dean’s book, Normal Life: Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics and the Limits of Law was published by South End Press in 2011. A second edition with new writing was published in 2015 by Duke University Press. Bella Terra Press published a Spanish edition in 2016. In 2015, Dean released a one-hour video documentary, Pinkwashing Exposed: Seattle Fights Back!, which can be watched free online with English captions or subtitles in several languages. Dean’s new book, Mutual Aid: Building Solidarity During This Crisis (and the next) is forthcoming from Verso Press in October 2020. Read more in Dean's website.

Fireweed Collective offers mental health education and mutual aid through a Healing Justice lens. We help support the emotional wellness of all people and center the needs of those most marginalized by our society. Our work seeks to disrupt the harm of systems of abuse and oppression, often reproduced by the mental health system. Learn more about us.

If you cannot join this webinar live, you may still register here to get access to the recording afterward. The recording will include closed captioning.

For any questions, please contact Agustina at administrator@fireweedcollective.org

$205 raised by 19 people


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